Arquitecta y Magíster en Sustentabilidad y Eficiencia Energética, Pontificia Universidad Católica. (2018, Santiago, Chile). El 2021 obtuvo un MSc in Advanced Architectural Design de la Universidad de Columbia en Nueva York. Durante el 2022 fue Adjunct Professor de Talleres en el Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation en la Universidad de Columbia. Desde 2021, ha practicado como arquitecta en Nueva York y Santiago, y en paralelo, ha dado clases en New Jersey Institute of Technology y Syracuse University, donde actualmente dirige talleres de formación y un curso de magíster como Adjunct Instructor.
Durante 2024, fundó AFFIRMA arquitectura, una práctica de diseño que flota entre Santiago y Siracusa.

Architect with a MS. in Sustainability and Energy Efficiency from PUC (2018, Santiago, Chile). During 2021, she obtained a MSc in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University (New York, USA), at the Graduate School or Architecture, Planning and Preservation. Since 2021, she has practiced as a Designer in New York and Santiago. She has taught Architecture studio in Columbia University, NJIT and currently at Syracuse University, where she also conducts a graduate level course on sustainable design.

During 2024, she founded AFFIRMA Arquitectura, a design practice that floats between Santiago and Syracuse.